Colorado Springs Senior Photography | Aubrie Senior Session | Air Academy High School

I love meeting students for their Colorado Springs senior photos, especially when it feels like it forms some kind of connection with my clients. I already knew from Aubrie's emails that she was a kind and polite individual, but when I met her,  I felt like I had known her for a while. She was quiet but beautifully well-spoken, and to hear her ambitions light up as she talked about them was something that felt so familiar. I believe that sometimes those that are quieter have the most to say and share, if only you ask the right questions.  I learned that Aubrie enjoyed being a part of the FCCLA club at school, a club that does volunteer work throughout the school year.  It was awesome to hear how proud she was to be a part of this and hopefully be able to carry on her volunteer work into her time at college after she graduates.

Colorado Springs Senior Photography at Rock Ledge Ranch Stacy Carosa Photography Girl standing near a green pine tree holding on to a brand and smiling at camera

For Aubrie's senior photography session we headed in  Rock Ledge Ranch in Colorado Springs and it was a perfect morning for it!  When I read through Aubrie's Senior Questionnaire, I was taken by the detail in her replies, as I  loved how it wasn't just a generic answer that she gave, but instead it was reasoning behind each o f her answers.  I imagine that much of her life has deep meaning and beautiful commentary for what makes her happy.  For example, I ask students where they would like to go someday if they could travel, and her answer: "I'd really love to see Langjökull in Iceland. It is the second largest ice cap in the country and was featured in the ending scene to the movie The Iron Giant."  I love this!  There are so many places I'd also like to go to based off of a scene or a memory. These kinds of things bring about our imagination and help us to continue to strive for finding pieces of magic in different corners of the world.

Girl posing in front of barn at Rock Ledge Ranch for her senior photos Stacy Carosa Photography Colorado Springs Senior Photographer Session at Rock Ledge Ranch

Aubrie's future plans involve studying to become a Chemical Engineer.  What an awesome goal to strive for!  I think it is such a great thing for a woman to go into the STEM field, as we need more of them.  She has already started to look into schools that might offer this program, and I have no doubt that Aubrie will bring many great qualities to whichever university that she decides to attend. It was interesting to talk to her about all of the different careers that she could go into with a degree like Chemical Engineering, from make-up to fertilizer, there are so many options. I can't wait to see where she ends up with her studies and knowledge!

Colorado Springs Senior Photographer | Stacy Carosa Photography | Rock Ledge Ranch Senior Session | Colorado Springs Senior Portraits

I'm so glad that Aubrie reached out to me for her Colorado Springs senior photography session, as I am so happy to have had the change to get to know her. She has a beautiful soul and there is no doubt she will be helping to make some positive changes in the world someday.  Wishing Aubrie all the best in her last year of high school and beyond!