It was a beautiful fall day when I met Jaison for his senior photos in Garden of the Gods. I love to take photos in that park because of all of the iconic views, endless places for a solid image, and the walking from place to place makes it fun to get to know the students that I get to work with. There are many places to choose from in the park that can help to represent the students' personality and reflect their level of adventure. I took Jaison to a couple of the popular places when meeting with seniors, but I loved his sense of adventure to wonder a little further past the normal spots into something different and less sought out.
Found some of the best fall colors in Garden of the Gods Park.
I thought adventurous self suit him well, as when talking to him he seemed like a leader, someone who could help others and lead them into something that might be uncertain, but make them feel like even if the situation was different, he would be able to calm the nerves of the unknown. In the future, Jaison would like to become a nurse and help people, especially kids, which I think he will be superbly at. He will be good at tending to the needs of others, help to make those kids smile, and let those that he cares for know they are in good hands while he guides them through an unknown path in their health. This will be such a good fit for him.
In Jaison's spare time he loves to play hockey. He talks about the sport like it is his best friend, not just a hobby, but a part of who he is. In fact, one of his favorite high school memories was breaking his collarbone during hockey try-outs his freshman year of high school. Not only is hockey a way for Jaison to connect to others and be a leader on a team, but he finds it to be something that is comforting, much like when he also listens to music.
I have been asking my seniors from this year some of their best advice to give to new in-coming freshman students in their high school, and Jaison mentions he would tell them to "be good and and make good decisions, it makes high school way more fun." For a lesson he has learned in his own life, he mentions that one lesson that he holds dear is to not lie because it will not get you anywhere. As he prepares to go to college and pursue his dreams of becoming a nurse, he says that his mom has always been an inspiration to him and that he very much loves her. I love reading the messages to their family members, as maybe without even knowing it, we are able to have such a big impact on the lives of those we are with.
Jaison was great to work with, and I wish him all the best in his last semester as a high school senior. Even thought why lies after high school can seem scary, I know that Jaison will thrive in the unknown because of his positive attitude, heart for helping others, and his passion for adventure and staying curious of what is out there. That's the best way to walk into a future.